“Conception scientifique du monde et Esprit des Lumières. Esquisse du rapport d’Otto Neurath et de l’empirisme logique à la pensée des encyclopédistes français du XVIIIe siècle”
(Scientific World-Conception and the Spirit of the Enlightenment. A Sketch of the Relationship between Logical Empiricism and Otto Neurath with the thought of the 18th century French encyclopedists)
This thesis attempts to provide an initial understanding of the reception of the French Enlightenment by logical empiricism, focusing on encyclopaedism on the one hand, Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle on the other. Through a philosophical, historical and lexicological analysis, the aim is to determine whether theoretical links can be forged between a “spirit of the Enlightenment” and the “scientific conception of the world”, whether logical empiricists did indeed mobilise ideas from the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment in particular, and then to try to understand the nature of these links, as well as their evolution and their anchorage in the history of logical empiricism.
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Available on DUMAS (Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance, CNRS)